Web-based Process Visualization (SCADA/HMI/Dashboard) Software


  1. 🆓️How to Download and Install FUXA SCADA V1.1.19 in Windows Machine from the Source [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Download and Install FUXA SCADA in Raspberry Pi using NPM [Watch]

  3. 🆓️How to Download and Install FUXA SCADA in Docker using virtuallabs.online [Watch]

  4. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Export FUXA Web SCADA Project Backup [Watch]

  5. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Import FUXA Web SCADA Project Backup [Watch]

Access FUXA SCADA over Public Internet from Anywhere in the World

  1. 🆓️How to Access Your Local FUXA SCADA Instance Remotely from Anywhere in the World Using Cloudflared Tunnels [Watch]

					cloudflared-windows-amd64.exe tunnel --url localhost:1881
  1. 🆓️How to Access Your Local FUXA SCADA Instance Remotely from Anywhere in the World Using localtunnel [Watch]

					npm install -g localtunnel

lt --port 1881


  1. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Add Views in FUXA Web SCADA Editor [Watch]

  2. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Clone Views in FUXA Web SCADA Editor [Watch]

  3. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Change Views Size in FUXA Web SCADA Editor [Watch]

  4. 🆓️How to Add New Menu Item in Navigation Side Menu from FUXA Web SCADA Editor [Watch]

  5. ⏳️How to Create Faceplate or View in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  6. ⏳️How to Create Animated Pipe in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  7. ⏳️How to Create Animated Pump in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  8. ⏳️How to Use Iframe in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

SMTP - Email

  1. 🆓️How to Configure SMTP Email Profile in FUXA Web SCADA and Test it by Sending Email [Watch]

Trends / Chart

  1. 🆓️How to Configure and Add Line Chart or Trends in FUXA Web SCADA Dashboard [Watch]


  1. ⏳️How to Add Users in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  2. ⏳️How to Add Users in FUXA Web SCADA and Assign Start View for the User [Watch]

OPC UA Device

  1. 🆓️How to Connect with Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server from FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Browse Prosys OPCUA Simulation Server Tags and Add Tags in FUXA Web SCADA to Create Dashboard [Watch]

  3. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional OPC UA to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with JSON Payload [Watch]

  4. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional OPC UA to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with RAW Payload [Watch]

MQTT Client

  1. 🆓️How to Configure MQTT Client Device in FUXA SCADA to Connect with Mosquitto MQTT Broker [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Subscribe to MQTT Topics in FUXA Web SCADA for Extracting Tag Values from JSON Payload or RAW Data [Watch]

  3. 🆓️How to Publish Modbus TCP/IP Device Data to MQTT Broker via FUXA Web SCADA in JSON Payload [Watch]

BACnet IP Device

  1. 💵How to Setup BACnet IP Device Connection with FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  2. 💵How to Browse and Add BACnet IP Device Tags in FUXA Web SCADA then Create Dashboard to Monitor & Update Tag Values [Watch]

  3. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional BACnet IP to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with JSON Payload [Watch]

  4. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional BACnet IP to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with RAW Payload [Watch]

Alarms Notifications

  1. 🆓️How to Setup Alarm Email Notification in FUXA Web SCADA for All Configured Alarms [Watch]


  1. 🆓️How to Setup and Add Alarms in FUXA Web SCADA for Any Tag [Watch]

  2. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to Enable Alarm History in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  3. 🆓️Quick Guide on How to View the Historical Alarm in FUXA Web SCADA Dashboard [Watch]

Modbus TCP/IP Device

  1. 🆓️How to Setup Modbus TCP/IP Device Communication with FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Create Modbus TCP/IP Device Tags in FUXA Web SCADA to Create Dashboard for Monitoring & Updating Tag Values [Watch]

  3. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional Modbus TCP/IP to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with JSON Payload [Watch]

  4. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional Modbus TCP/IP to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with RAW Payload [Watch]

Modbus Serial/RTU/RS485 Device

  1. 🆓️How to Setup Modbus Serial/RTU/RS485 Device Connection with FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Create and Read Tag Values of Modbus Serial/RTU/RS485 Device in FUXA Web SCADA [Watch]

  3. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional Modbus Serial/RTU/RS485 to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with JSON Payload [Watch]

  4. 💵How to Create Uni-Directional Modbus Serial/RTU/RS485 to MQTT Publisher in FUXA Web SCADA with RAW Payload [Watch]