NodeMCU - ESP8266

MQTT Implementation​

  1. πŸ†“How to Publish DHT11 Sensor Data from NodeMCU to Mosquitto MQTT Broker over LAN [Watch]

  2. βŒ›How to Publish DHT11 Sensor Data from NodeMCU to HiveMQ MQTT Broker [Watch]

  3. πŸ†“How to use MQTT Engine Module in Ignition SCADA | Publish DHT11 Data from NodeMCU to Ignition | [Watch]

Modbus Client + MQTT Publisher​

  1. βŒ›Modbus TCP to MQTT Converter using NodeMCU for Single Set of HR [Watch]

  2. βŒ›Modbus TCP to MQTT Converter using NodeMCU for Multiple Set of HR [Single Unit ID] [Watch]

  3. βŒ›Modbus TCP to MQTT Converter using NodeMCU for Multiple Set of HR [Multiple Unit ID] [Watch]

  4. βŒ›Publish SHT20 Modbus RS485 Temperature and Humidity Transmitter Data to MQTT Broker from NodeMCU ESP866 [Watch]

NodeMCU as Modbus TCP/IP Device or Server​

  1. βŒ›How to Create Modbus Server with using NodeMCU [Single Client Support Only] [Watch]

  2. βŒ›How to Publish Analog Sensor Data from NodeMCU to Built-in Modbus TCP Server and Read it in Modbus Client [Watch]

  3. πŸ†“How to Control Digital Pins of NodeMCU Via Built-in Modbus TCP Server from Remote Modbus Client [Watch]

  4. πŸ†“How to Publish DHT11 Sensor Data from NodeMCU to Built-in Modbus TCP Server [Watch]

  5. πŸ†“How to Publish DHT11 Sensor Data from NodeMCU to Modbus TCP Server and Read it in Ignition SCADA [Watch]

NodeMCU as Modbus TCP/IP Client​

  1. βŒ›How to Create Modbus Client using NodeMCU to Read N number of Holding Register from Modbus TCP Device [Watch]

  2. βŒ›How to Create Modbus Client using NodeMCU to Read N number of Input Register from Modbus TCP Device [Watch]

  3. βŒ›How to Create Modbus Client using NodeMCU to Read N number of Coil from Modbus TCP Device [Watch]

  4. βŒ›How to Create Modbus Client using NodeMCU to Read N number of Input Coil from Modbus TCP Device [Watch]

NodeMCU as Modbus RS485 Master Device​

  1. βŒ›How to Read Holding Register Value of Modbus Slave Device in NodeMCU [Watch]

  2. βŒ›How to Read Input Register Value of Modbus Slave Device in NodeMCU [Watch]

  3. βŒ›How to Read Coil Status of Modbus Slave Device in NodeMCU [Watch]

  4. βŒ›How to Read Input Coil Status of Modbus Slave Device in NodeMCU [Watch]

  5. βŒ›NodeMCU as Modbus RS485 Master to Write Analog Value to Holding Register of Modbus RS485 Slave Device [Watch]

  6. βŒ›How to Change Coil Status Value to Modbus Slave Device from NodeMCU [Watch]

NodeMCU as Modbus RS485 Slave Device​

  1. βŒ›NodeMCU as Modbus RS485 Slave Device (With Holding Register Carrying Analog Sensor Value) [Watch]

ESP8266 as MQTT Broker | sMQTTBroker

  1. πŸ†“How to Setup Basic MQTT Broker in NodeMCU ESP8266 using sMQTTBroker Library [Watch]

  2. πŸ†“How to Setup Secure MQTT Broker in NodeMCU ESP8266 using sMQTTBroker Library with Username and Password Authentication [Watch] [Code]

  3. πŸ†“How to Set Up a Secure MQTT Broker on NodeMCU ESP8266 with WiFi Access Point Using sMQTTBroker Library [Watch] [Code]