How to Send SMS from A9G Board by Sending AT Commands from Raspberry Pi Pico W using MicroPython Programming


In today’s interconnected world, communication is key. Whether it’s for IoT applications, remote monitoring, or simple notifications, the ability to send SMS messages from a microcontroller can be incredibly useful. In this guide, we’ll explore how to leverage the power of the Raspberry Pi Pico W and the A9G board to send SMS messages effortlessly.


o embark on this journey, ensure you have the following:

  • Raspberry Pi Pico W

  • A9G board


  • USB cables for both devices

  • Jumper wires

  • Computer equipped with Thonny IDE or any compatible IDE

  • Fundamental understanding of Python programming

Setting Up Raspberry Pi Pico W & A9G Board:

  • Connect the Raspberry Pi Pico W to your computer using a USB cable.

  • Power up your A9G Board by Connecting the A9G board to your computer via USB cable.

  • Connect Raspberry Pi Pico with A9G as per below connection Diagram.

  • Launch Thonny IDE and create a new Python script.

  • Write and upload the requisite code to establish serial communication with the A9G board.

Code to Send SMS:

Here’s a Python script to send an SMS using the Raspberry Pi Pico W and the A9G board:

					# Import required libraries
import machine
import time

# Configure UART for communication with the A9G module
uart = machine.UART(0, baudrate=115200, tx=machine.Pin(0), rx=machine.Pin(1)) # UART0 on Pico

# Function to send AT commands and receive responses
def send_at_command(command):
    uart.write(command + '\r\n')       # Send the command
    time.sleep(3)                       # Wait for response
    response =              # Read the response
    if response:
        print("Response:", response.strip())  # Print the response
        return response.strip()
        print("No response received.")  # Print if no response received
        return None

# Function to send an SMS
def send_sms(phone_number, message):
    # Set text mode
    response = send_at_command('AT+CMGF=1')
    if not response or b'OK' not in response:
        print("Failed to set text mode.")

    # Set recipient number
    response = send_at_command('AT+CMGS="{}"'.format(phone_number))
    if not response or b'>' not in response:
        print("Failed to set recipient number.")

    # Send message
    response = send_at_command(message)
    if not response:
        print("Failed to send message.")

    # Send Ctrl+Z to end message

# Example usage
phone_number = '+91XXXXXXXXXX'  # Replace with recipient's phone number
message = 'Hello, this is a test message from Raspberry Pi Pico W with A9G board!'
send_sms(phone_number, message)


With the provided code and setup instructions, you can now easily send SMS messages using the Raspberry Pi Pico W and the A9G board. Whether you’re building IoT applications or remote monitoring systems, the ability to send SMS messages adds a powerful communication layer to your projects. Experiment with different messages and recipients to explore the full potential of this functionality!