Node-RED Integration with A9G (GSM/GPRS + GPS) Module

Node to Install in Node-RED



Option 1
Option 2


  1. 🆓️Introduction to Node-RED Integration with A9G Module [Watch]

  2. 🆓️Setting Up Serial Communication of A9G Module with Node-RED [Watch]

  3. 🆓️How to Check A9G Module Status using Basic AT Commands from Node-RED [Watch]


  1. 🆓️How to Place Calls Using Node-RED and A9G Module on Predefined Number [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Place Calls Using Node RED and A9G Module on Dynamic Number from Node RED Dashboard [Watch]

  3. 🆓️How to Set Up Visual Call Notifications for A9G Board Incoming Calls on Node-RED Dashboard [Watch]

  4. How to Set Up Visual Call Notifications for A9G Board Outgoing Calls on Node-RED Dashboard [Watch]

  5. Remote Call Management: Hanging Up Calls via Node-RED Dashboard [Watch]


  1. 🆓️How to Send SMS Using Node RED and A9G Module on Predefined Number & Predefine Message Body [Watch]

  2. 🆓️How to Send SMS Using Node-RED and A9G Module on Dynamic Number with Custom Message Body [Watch]

  3. 🆓️Demo – SMS-Driven IoT Automation: A9G Board Integration with Node-RED for Remote Control [Watch]

  4. 🆓️SMS-Driven IoT Automation: A9G Board Integration with Node-RED for Remote Control [Watch]